

Learning by Doing

School activities
 Whether you are looking for formal natural history lessons for delivery in the classroom or an opportunity to engage your pupils in outdoor learning and citizen science, we can offer a range of activities to suit all ages.
Please contact us at for further details of our formal and informal lessons.

The Return of the Oyster

Oysters were once pivotal to people's lives and were a fundamental part of our marine ecosystem. Sadly, our native oysters are now massively depleted compared to the 
days when millions were consumed in Scotland. 
But they're back and Seawilding, a community driven organisation, aims to return 900,000 oysters to Loch Craignish in a Lottery funded reintroduction project. 
As partners we will be delivering the citizen science aspects, working with primary schools and others  to record the growth and progress of the oysters' return.  If your school would like to be involved in this exciting project we are currently developing teaching packs that cover a wide variety of curriculum themes and have funding to deliver on-the-spot research projects at Loch Craignish for school groups. Contact us at 
info@argyllwildlife.scotfor details
 Find out more about the project on Seawilding's website. 
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